You can reach these people by listing on the NAMIC web site.
Many people have asked us to recommend a health care practitioner in their area so we have added a new health care provider list.
For Only $120 you can have a listing for 1 full year!
In addition, you will be a Charter Advertiser and be guaranteed the Charter Advertiser price of 50% off the regular price until you cancel your advertising program.
The regular price for a listing will be $240 per year with a one time $25 setup fee.
To view a sample listing, you can click here.
With every listing, you have:
- Your logo
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your emaii address
- Your web site URL
- A brief description of your services (about 200 words)
- A informational post about your specialty (a $499 value)
- You will be a charter member and receive a 50% discount on all future listings
- You will receive a 70% discount on all posts. The price for non-members is $499 each. All posts must be 200 to 600 words.
Only 2 listings will be available per category per geographical area in a state. A geographical are will be determined by population or city. This will insure you as much exposure as possible.
To view a sample listing, you can click here.
To view a sample post, you can click here.
To purchase a listing, click here.
For more information, please email us at or call 702-790-1537