This is a synopsis of the Aurora Colekko Multiple Scierosis episode on “I Beat the Odds” on the Zliving Channel.

Aurora Colello was a stay at home mom with 4 children all under 8 years old. One day she had a excruciating pain in the back of her eye. Pressure kept getting worse and her vision was getting blurry. She thought that she just had a major sinus infection.

Sometime later, she noticed that when she covered her left eye, she only saw black. She was completely blind in her right eye.

She rushed to the hospital and the doctor immediately ordered a MRI. The doctor said that the MRI showed that she had an extreme case of optic neuritis. She also had 10 lesions on her brain. The combination of the optic neuritis and the 10 lesions meant that she had multiple sclerosis.

Aurora was told that no cure was available, but it could be treated with daily injections that would delay the progression of the disease. She would have extreme fatigue and could end up in a wheel chair.

The doctor wanted her to immediately start the medication. He gave her a list of medications to chose one to use. Concerned about the side effects of the medication, Aurora began searching the internet for information.

She also saw several doctors to get a second opinion. All the doctors told her the same thing. She had to take the  medication for the rest  of her life.

Aurora start to contact other people with multiple sclerosis. She contacted about 200 people from all over the world and the news was basically the same.

The doctor told her that she had to decide on the medication before it was too late. He wanted a decision, but Aurora decided to investigate a holistic approach. She found a man who was being treated with the medication and by the Center of Advanced Medicine in Encinitas, California.

At the center, Dr. Adam Fogoman started to massage her neck to take pressure off the optic nerve which he thought was causing her vision problems. He determined that Aurora had mercury fillings in her teeth which caused problems, that she had allergies, that she needed to detox her body, that she needed to change her diet, that she needed massage therapy to align her back and neck, and that she needed supplements..

Although she was skeptical, she followed the procedures. After a few days, she noticed a change in her vision. Then after 3 weeks, she had her vision checked and her vision had improved.

By continuing the holistic treatment at the center, Aurora started to feel better so she went to her neurologist for a checkup. He refused to see her because she wouldn’t take the medical treatment that he prescribed.

She found a new neurologist who was open to holistic medicine. This neurologist said that all 10 lesions in her brain were gone. She didn’t have any lesions in her brain. Her western doctors told her that she was just lucky and that she would get worse if she didn’t take the medical treatments.

Aurora continued the holistic program.  While she still has multiple scierosis, her symtoms are gone. Her vision is better. She is more active than ever before.