This is a synopsis of the Ben Jones lung cancer episode of “I Beat the Odds” on the Zliving Channel.

Ben Jones was working out in the gym when he thought he had a muscle pull. After 4 or 5 weeks, he went to his doctor who suggested a CT scan. The results showed tumors on his lungs so he went to an oncologist and found out it was stage IV lung cancer. Stage IV means that it has spread through out the lungs and to other parts of the body.

It was not curable.He went to 6 oncologists and they all said that he had 6 to 9 months to live. His oncologist was ready to order chemotherapy to prolong his life a few months when he told her no he was not going to do chemotherapy. She immediately called his primary care doctor who advised his to attend a chemotherapy informational class.

When he attended the class and saw the condition of the people there, he was even more determined not to have chemotherapy. He was determined to live out his last days on his terms. He got out of his business, settled his financial affairs, and traveled to see his family members while he could.

After Ben returned home, his friend told him about Dr. Nicholas Gonzales from New York who claimed he could cure cancer..without the use of chemotherapy or radiation.

Ben decided that he had nothing to lose and went to see Dr. Gonzales in New York. Dr. Gonzales said that he thought he may be able to cure Ben.  He started assigning him his new treatment and said that he would think about changing it in about 5 years. Ben said he only had 7 months to live, but he agreed to the treatment.

Dr Gonzales was a leader in using pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer.He believes 2 properties of pancreatic enzymes can be effective against cancer.

The first is that enzymes are a protein which gives off a large negative electron field. The cancer outer shell is worn down and the positive nucleus attract the negatively charged pancreatic enzymes.

The second property is the properties in pancreatic enzymes that break down food can also destroy the cancer eells.

To be effective, Ben had to absorb a massive quantity . He needed to hake 225 pills a day in 6 to 7 doses anywhere from 12 to 20 dose. He does it 25 days and then 5 days off. Ben also had go do 1 of 4 detox programs. The coffee enema was recommended.

After 5 months, his wife noticed some good changes is his health.Ben’s energy came back and he started going to the gym.

When he was on the protocol for 9 months, Ben wondered what would happen after 9 months. However, just before the 9 months were up, he had felt a pain in his chest and was rushed to the hospital. He was in the hospital for 7 days heavily drugged for the pain. Ben and his wife were worried that his cancer come back. His doctor ordered a CT scan.

The results of the CT scan didn’t show any tumors. The doctors couldn’t explain it. Ben had 10 tumors and now he had none. The doctor said that it was an anomaly.

Three years later, Ben was still cancer free.