This is a synopsis of the Billy Best Hodgkin’s disease episode of “Desperate For a Miracle” on the Zliving Channel.

Billy Best was an adopted child who was very sports minded. He played soccer, but his passion was skateboarding. When he was 14, he was skateboarding home after dark. Skating very fast, he hit the rear view mirror of a truck and almost tore his arm off.

Years later, after many surgeries and rehabilitation therapy, he completely recovered and was fine. However, one day he wasn’t feeling very well and he went to the school nurse. She noticed several lumps on his neck. She suggested that he see a doctor.

Sue Best, Billy’s  mother, took him to the doctor who said it was probably just a sore throat. A few weeks later, the lumps had grown bigger. Billy and Sue went back to the doctor who order x-rays. When the doctor examined the x-rays, he told Sue that it was probably Hodgkin’s disease.

Billy’s Aunt had just died of cancer while doing chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments. Now he was told that he would need chemotherapy. Billy didn’t want to do chemotherapy especially after his ordeal with his shoulder surgeries and his aunt dying from the chemotherapy treatments.

However, Billy’s parents wanted him to do the chemotherapy since they were told he would die without the chemotherapy. Although the therapy was very hard on Billy and he was very sick all the time, the chemotherapy worked. The cancer was gone. The doctors wold Billy that it would come back so he had to be prepared.

Billy decided he didn’t want to have chemotherapy again so he saved some money and ran away. He was on the train heading for California to die, but he stopped in Houston and met some friends while skateboarding. They invited him to stay with them for a few weeks.

Meanwhile, his parents were worried about him and went to the media. They were in the newspapers and on TV. Billy saw his mother on TV and called home. Sue told him that he didn’t need to take the chemotherapy, so Billy went home.

When Billy returned home, the doctors told him that he would die if he didn’t start chemotherapy again.

Then, Billy and his parents learned about Essiac tea which had proved effective against cancer. You brew it and take 3 ounces 3 times a day. There is also another company claiming to have the original Essuac tea formula. While taking the tea, they also learned about 714-X from a cancer survivor. They decided to try it also

Since he was feeling great with the tea and he had great hopes for the 714-X, Billy and his parents went to the doctor to tell him the news. The doctor set up another meeting. When Billy and his dad arrived at the meeting, the doctors  told Billy that 714-X might kill him and that he would die unless he started chemotherapy.  Billy was frightened, but he still refused to do chemotherapy.

Then a psychologist told Billy’s parents that unless Billy had chemotherapy, he would report  Billy’s parents to the state as unfit parents. Billy still refused and started on the 714-X therapy. Because Billy was almost 18 and had so much media attention, the report was never acted upon.

Billy went to Carbe Laboratory in Sherbrooke, Quebec. There Dr. Naessens examined Billy and put Billy on the 714-X program. Billy was determined to follow the program and learned to do the injections himself.  The injections are for 21 days and then 2 days off before starting the cycle again.

After 8 months of the drinking the Essiac tea and following the 714-X program, Billy went to his regular doctor for a checkup. The doctor said that Billy was cancer free. Now, 13 years later, Billy is still cancer free.