Here are several ideas of how to prevent blocked arteries.

`1. The first idea is from Dr. Rath. It is about how a vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy which weakens your arteries. This causes the body to protect the arteries by building up plague.

The body keeps building plaque until the arteries strengthen. As long as you have a vitamin C deficiency, the plaque keeps building.

Here is a link to the book titled ‘Why animals don’t have heart attacks and people do”, which was written by Dr. Rath.

Probably because most animals make their own vitamin C and humans can’t.  Only primates, guinea pigs, and some bats can’t.

There are 4 elements to heart disease which the standard view of cardiology can’t explain:

Why does the vast majority of plaque formation take place close to the heart?   If the model of heart disease is that there is simply too much cholesterol in the blood, why isn’t there a more-or-less uniform deposition of plaque throughout the vascular system?

Why are there some creatures with very high levels of serum cholesterol but no heart disease?  Bears famously have cholesterol levels of 600 but no heart disease.

Why is it that only creatures which don’t make their own vitamin C have  cholesterol, but don’t have heart attacks?  (It is only  when it binds to artery walls, that is forms plaque and blocks the arteries.)

There was an experiment done with a laboratory animal which can make vitamin C.  It was genetically modfied so that it no longer could, and it developed atherosclerosis in a matter of weeks.:/


We ake large doses of vitamin C with every meal or 3 times a day.

2.  We also take a multivitamin for minimum support. In addition, we take Peak Chelation + Resveratrol vitamins. It contains EDTA which is used in Chelation Therapy.. We use Chelation therapy to hopefully remove the plaque on artery walls.

2 links to articles on chelation therapy are below.

 Another view discusses heart attacks caused by atherosclerosis.