This Article was in the Renaissance Newsletter.

Imagine This Scene

You’ve suffered thought round after round of radiation. Sickening chemo drugs cost you your hair and had you bent over the toilet more times than you can count. And now your doctor tells you nothing is working – and that your cancer may even be incurable.

That’s what too many cancer patients — especially people with colon cancers — are hearing every year.

But now there’s new hope on the horizon. Because researchers have proven that a simple vitamin cure may hold the key to helping you bear even the hardest -to-treat cancers. And it’s available to you right now.

Cutting Off Cancer’s Food Supply
This (could) be the one answer…everybody’s striving for.”

That’s what Channing Der, a molecular biologist at the University of North Carolina, said about his latest research on using intravenous vitamin C (IVC) to stop colon cancer dead in its tracks.

You see, for years people with colon cancer have had the deck stacked against them. That’s because about half the cases of colon involve generic mutations –called BRAF of KRAS—that make them nearly impossible to treat. In other words, they spit out just about anything doctors throw at them. Well, not anymore. Because when Der and his colleagues tested high-dose vitamin C on colon cancer cells with BRAF and KRAS mutations, the cells started dying off in droves.

Cancer cells are just like any other cells – they need “food” to keep them growing. And the colon cancer cells with these mutations make extra sure they have enough to “eat” by producing a protein that draws glucose right to them. But large doses of vitamin C (equivalent to eating 6300 oranges) actually cut off the food supply And the next thing you know, these hungry, deadly cancer cells literally starve to death.

We’ve known about the cancer-killing powers of IVC for years. And Mark Levine, a vitamin C researcher with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, said he’s hoping that this latest research finally gets more doctors taking notice.

Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize twice, began championing vitamin C to treat cancer back in the 1970s. More recently the University of Kansas developed an IVC protocol for treating cancer that sis being used by many complimentary and alternative medical doctors.

In just the past few years, IVC has been tested on patients with deadly brain and pancreatic tumors, and it’s been found to be both well-tolerated and often highly successful.

Six years ago, I treated an in-law with colon cancer that had metastasized to the brain, lung and liver. Her doctors had giving up on her after she failed surgery, chemo, and radiation. Within six months of treating her with IV vitamin C, she became cancer free and continues to this day to have no recurrence.

NAMIC note.
We will have another article on starving cancer shortly.