This is a synopsis of the Dustin Kunnari Brain Tumor episode of “Desperate For a Miracle” on the Zliving Channel.

Two year old, Dustin Kunnari, had headaches and flu like symptoms which kept coming back. Finally, the doctors discovered a golf ball sized brain tumor..

Surgery was scheduled and the neurosurgeon was confident that he would get as much of the tumor that he could. There were risks that Dustin would lose some motor skills. The neurosurgeon was able to remove about 75% of the tumor.

After the surgery, the prognoses was that the tumor was very aggressive and Dustin would have about 6 months to live. They suggested an severe radiation treatment with many disastrous side effects.

They said that Dustin would be I a wheel chair with stunted growth, a lower IQ, and shortened life. His parents decided against the treatment and started to look for alternative treatments. They wanted Dustin to have a quality life as long as he lived.

A friend told them about Dr. S.R. Burzynski, MD, PhD. They decided to get Dustin’s medical records to give to Dr. Burzynski. When they went to get the records, they were told that the doctors could order chemotherapy against their wishes.

Dustin’s parents were determined to use Dr. Burzynski’s treatment. They were told that his methods were dangerous, experimental, and not FDA approved. They were told that they could forced chemotherapy treatments without parental consent.

Dr. Burzynski told Dustin’s parents that Dustin had an 80% chance that he would initially respond to treatment. The treatment involved the use of antineoplastons. It programs the canker cells to mature and die like a regular cell.

After six weeks, an MRI showed that the tumor was gone. Dustin was feeling like a normal child. Dustin was put on a low dose maintenance program to prevent the cancer tumor from coming back. Then one year later, his regularly scheduled MRI showed another tumor.

Dr. Burzynski told Jack and Maryann that it would be taken care of, but it would take a little longer. He said that he was sorry. It was an experimental treatment and that he was learning. He said that he should have increased the dose as Dustin was growing and gaining weight. Dustin’s dose was increased.

Then Dr. Burzynski came under attack by the FDA. The FDA filed multiple lawsuits against Dr. Burzynski. The FDA wanted 270 years in prison and a 50 million dollar fine. The Dinnaris went to court to testify. The media picked up the story and the FDA made a deal with Dr. Burzynski to drop the charges if he would submit his treatment for FDA approval.

Dustin was able to continue his treatments. On his third MRI, there was no tumor. The tumor was gone. He has now been tumor free for over fifteen years.

Dr. Burzynski was cleared of all charges and his treatment is being recognized by the medical establishment.