Viruses are treated in many ways. Antibiotics, both injections and pills, over the counter medicines, and natural means are used. Every year there is a flu season and many people have the flu or worse. l

According to Dr. Shallenberger,  If you have a virus, you can boost your adrenal hormones by taking 10 mg of cortisol , 100 mg of DHEA every six hours. You can boost your immune system by taking 15,000 of vitamin C and 10,000 mg of vitamin D3 at the same time.

He also recommends intravenous hydrogen peroxide therapy. He  claims that it’s the cure for any viral infection. Of course this was before COVID-19 so it may not be included.

Dr. Shallenberger also says that you can prevent colds and flu with a combination of natural ingredients made under a patent protected process. Only one company makes it. It is called EpiCor.

EpiCor was tested and the results showed that it increased the IgA substantially, it elevated the helper lymphocyte cells, it decreased the suppressor lymphocyte cells. and it increased the number and activity of the NK cells (natural killer).