One doctor recommended a simple $10 solution to insomnia. He suggested that you coordinate you body clock with the earth’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm affects our sleep cycle, body temperature, blood pressure, and the release of hormones.

It is easy to adjust our circadian rhythm. You just need to get some sunlight during the day. The best time is in the morning. You should also go outdoors several times during the day especially in the late afternoon

One other thing that will help is to avoid bright light at night. You should especially avoid the blue and white light we get from computers and other electronic devices. Exposure to this light leads to a reduction of melatonin.

A inexpensive fix to this problem of blue-white light is to buy a pair of blue-white light blocking glasses which are available on Amazon starting at about $!0. Start wearing them about 8 pm.

This doctor suggested have a regular bedtime in a dark room. Avoid stimulating activities and eating a heavy meal near bedtime. Meditation or relaxing also helps.

Another article on insomnia states that one of the main causes of insomnia is an imbalance in the body caused by some kind of stress. It claims that the stress changes your sleep pattern which your body remembers even after the stress is gone. So you must eliminate the cause of imbalance and stop the bad sleep pattern.

One of the main imbalances is increased production of cortisol. This increased production of cortisol if continuous exhausts the adrenal glands and now they produce too little.

If you have too much cortisol, you have a hard time going to sleep and your have a shallow restless sleep. You will need to learn to control your stress.

If you have too little cortisol, you will wake up 3 am and fall to sleep at 2 pm. You must again learn to manage stress, but you also need to avoid carbohydrates, stimulants like coffee, and take some supplements. You should take 500 mg of pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5) twice a day, 1500 mg licorice herb twice a day, and 200 – 400 mg a day of adrenal gland extract. In severe cases, add 5 to 10mg of hydrocortisone twice a day and 10 to 25 mg of DHEA.

Another imbalance is an imbalance of one or more of your body’s neurotransmitters. You could have a serotonin , a dopamine, GABA, or endorphin deficiency.

If you crave sweets, are depressed, or have panic attacks, you may have a serotonin deficiency. You can try taking 100-300 mg of 5HTP about 4 pm and again before bedtime, taking 1 to 3 mg of melatonin a half-hour before bed, and a sex hormone.

If find it hard to focus and act like you have add, you may have a dopamine deficiency. Try to limit your coffee and take 1000 mg of l-tyrosine in the morning and again at 4 pm. After 6 weeks, you may increase it to 1500-200 mg 3 time a day.

If you suffer from panic attacks and seizures, you may have a GABA deficiency. You may need to take 100-200 mg of taurine 3 to4 times a day. 500-1000 mg of theanine a half hour before bed time, 1500-3000 mg of niacinamide 30 minutes before you go to sleep, 150-200 mg of concentrated valerian root, and 200-300 mg of ST. jon’s wort.

If you experience overly sensitive pain or chronic anxiety, you may have an endorphin deficiency. you should try taking 500-1000 mg of DLPA. Do not take DLPA if you are using MAO anti-depressants.


These therapies sometimes take 6 to 8 weeks to be effective. If you train your body to get in the habit of sleeping and these therapies work, you should not have any more problems with insomnia.

As with any information on this site, be sure to check with you health provider before you decide what is needed for your health problem.