The Little Republic founder, Michael Little, has claimed abandoned land in Nevada which he claimed in a court proceeding in December,2022. he discovered the land had been abandoned while trying to help Cliven Bundy. Cliben asked mike to prove that the government didn’t not own the land involved in Cliven’s arrest. he know that Mike had a successful history of fighting legal battles

In 2016, Mike Little, sued the Nevada Governor and the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that he had no standing. However, the Governor was prevented from giving Nevada funds to his selected businesses. This ruling that a citizen had no standing to sue the government about showing favoritism when it spent his tax dollars, prompted Mike to look at the legal system.

Mike studied the law and developed a flow chart of the legal system. When he was falsely accused of assault he fought himself and won.

Mike studied the law and developed a flow chart of the legal system. When he was falsely accused of assault he fought himself and won. He is contgemplating filing a lawsuit for false arrest.

In his traffic ticket court case which he has been fighting pro se for 2 years, he has claimed ownership of lover 100 million acres of abandoned Nevada land. It is a ticket for driving without a license. Mike is challenging the venue jurisdiction of the case. He received the ticket when he was driving in the abandoned area which he has claimed as his. The case has been postponed for 90 days.

As a result of his investigation into the Cliven Bundy case, He discovered that over 110 million acres of land had been abandoned, so he claimed it. Mike believes that Bundy’s case was dismissed without prejudice because the government did not want to address the land ownership issue.

Mike found that the Congressional Act of 1866 gave Nevada the land that Mike Little now has now legally claimed. Therefore, the United States government does not own the land It is a fact that in 1834, the United States government paid Nevada for the land to build Hoover dam because it didn’t own the land.

In 1946, The Bureau of Land Management was(BLM) created. Since that time, Nevada  in court cases, has made party admission that they do not own the land. Therefore, the land was abandoned and claimed by Mike Little.

Now, Mike Little is founding a new country on this land which is named Little Republic.