DNA methylation is a biological process by which methyl groups are added to the DNA molecule It is a chemical reaction that you never hear about. This chemical reaction effeccts our DNA and genes to help us stay younger. By increasing the rate glutathione synthesis, it helps to strengthen our immune system,

Methylation also may lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes by lowering levels of homocysteing. Since it also produces SAMe, it has many anti aging characteristics and may help with mental diseases such ad alzheimer’s.

With a low production of SAMe,  many important molecules cannot be efficiently produced, including:

Gluthlone Coenzyme Q10 Melatonin

Serotonin Nitric OxideOrepinephrine Epinephrine

L-=Carnitine Ecsteine Taurine

To improve DNA  methylation, you can start by adding vegetables to your diet and taking supplements especially vitamin B complex, choline, and TMG (instead of SAMe).

Of course, while methylation improves your immune system, you can also improve your immune system even more by incrasing the healthy mitochondria in your body. Check out this 8 step program.

Menthylation may reduce genetically produced cancer, Prevent heart attacks, slow the ageing process, detoxify for body, and improve your immune system.

You may feel worse before you feel better depending on the toxins in your body, but it is worth it. Check with your health care provider before you start on methylation program.