Eat Healthy Food

You need to avoid eating carbohydrates. Avoid eating pizza, pasta, cookies, cakes,ice cream, potatoes, or bread. These were my seven basic food groups. You should eat more protein and fats, especially fish,

The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming 45 to 65 percent of our daily calories as carbohydrate. Low cargohydrate diets recommend less than 34 to 65 percent. Before you go on a low carbohydrate diet consult your health care professional.

However, most Americans eat too many carbohydrates which can cause health problems. They could and should avoid eating carbohydrates. You cells can burn both hat and sugar (glucose), it is designed to burn more fat than sugar. The more sugar you eat the more your body starts burning sugar instead of fat.You become a sugar burning machine instead of a fat burning machine.

When you reduce the sugar intake and increase the fat intake, you reverse the process and become a fat burning machine. You will be healthier and may even lose weight.

Avoid GMO foods. Try to eat organic food, grass fed beef, free range chicken, and caught wild fish. Avoid farm raised fish.

Eating the right foods gives the mitochondria the ability to create the engergy that you need for a healthy body.

You should also avoid plastic food containers and food wraps because most of them contain the chemical bisphenol A (BPA), Buy meat from a butcher and have it wrapped in paper.  Change the plastic wrapping on plastic wrapped food when you get home with paper or foil.

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