When you are over 70, research show that you can lose up to 85% of your Nitric Oxide (-O) production.  This may cause your immune system to be weaker, you to feel lethargic, your feet and fingers  may fell numb and cold, and you may get varicose veins and swelling, These are just a few of the problems.

So what can you do to increase the production of N-O. Of, course, you should live a healthy life style. Eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sun. Nest, you can take supplements.

For N-O, take L-Citrullijne. L-Citrulline is converted to L-Arginine in your body which then produces the N=) that you need. However, you can produce even more if you add L-Glutathione.  Don’t stop there. Now, add resveratrol and you have a powerful way to increase N-O.

Finally, add a variety of antioxidants to help to combat the free radicals in your body.