This is from Dr Shallenbeger’s Second Opinion Newsletter.  It is a paid subscription newsletter, but since this is an open letter, I am posting it here.

An Open Letter to the President’s Coronavirus Task Force

May 2020
Volume 31    |   Issue 5

I recently submitted a letter to President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force to ask them to consider ozone therapy combined with vitamin C therapy to treat patients who have developed Covid-19 – and for future pandemics. I also submitted several studies along with other documents to help them see how effective ozone is for treating infections.

And this month, I’m writing an open letter to the task force to encourage the public to contact their representatives and get this therapy into the hospitals. Please make photocopies of this article and send them to your representatives.

To the President’s Coronavirus Task Force:

Your work on finding solutions for the coronavirus pandemic is too important to wait for double-blind studies on treatments that have already been proven safe and effective for viral infections. As the president and founder of the American Academy of Ozonotherapy (AAOT), I want to introduce you to an amazing therapy that can revolutionize how we handle all flu infections.

Ozone therapy is widely used around the world, but it is relatively new to the U.S. The AAOT has a library page that links to close to 3,000 published studies in the international literature on ozone and all kinds of various medical conditions. All these studies speak to safety and efficacy.

I have six studies that I am sending you for review (see references on pages 4/5). In my mind, the beautiful thing about ozone therapy is that it compliments every other medical therapy I use. It is safe, inexpensive, and easy to use. It is not antagonistic to any other medical therapy. With it in combination with vitamin C, I know it can knock out viruses of all kinds. Here is why:

Ozone is an oxidant molecule. That means that it will destroy any molecule, bacteria, or virus without sufficient antioxidant enzymes. This is true of virtually every pathogenic organism so far tested, which is why ozone is so effective as a disinfectant. Many cleaning companies use ozone very effectively to clean and disinfect buildings. But, although it can destroy a virus or anaerobic bacterium on direct contact, this is not how it functions in the human body.

In the human body, ozone is a signaling molecule released by peripheral mononuclear white cells (PMBCs) during the interaction between an antibody and an antigen in the extracellular space. The signal stimulates other PMBCs to dramatically increase their production of cytokines. These cytokines are predominantly IL2 and gIFN, and they orchestrate the CD56/CD8 innate immune system.

The innate immune system is the first line of defense when we are exposed to any infectious agent. It is especially critical when it comes to infectious organisms that are new to a body, to which there is no immunological memory. It is also the system that will ultimately control the virus by killing the cells that the virus has invaded. Here’s how it works.

Viruses are not alive. They do not have the capability to generate energy for life, nor can they make the energy required for replication. The only way they multiply and create havoc is by invading a cell, and then using the cell’s genetic system and energy to encode itself and replicate. The newly created viruses are then released into the extracellular space. Without the cell, the virus cannot replicate and ultimately will not survive. The cell essentially becomes a viral factory. And, here’s the problem.

While PMBCs and antibodies are capable of destroying viruses on contact in the extracellular space, they cannot destroy the virus when it is intracellular. Therefore, the only way to stop a viral infection once it has established itself intracellularly is to kill the cells that it has invaded and is using to replicate. This is exactly what the cytotoxic CD8 cells and CD56 natural killer cells do. And unless these cells are sufficiently activated during a viral infection, it could turn out to be a problem. Because there is no way to ultimately control a viral infection until the infected cells are eliminated.

We have no drugs that will do this without at the same time killing healthy cells. But, our immune systems under the control of cytokines, do exactly that. They can determine which cells are infected and which ones aren’t. And they can then kill those they identify as infected while preserving healthy cells.

Those people who are exposed to a virus and have absolutely no symptoms are those whose innate immune systems are working optimally. In them, the infections never get off the ground.

Those who come down with the infection but eventually get over it are those whose innate immune systems were not working well at the time of exposure, but which eventually became activated and work effectively.

And those who die from a virus are those whose innate immune systems never sufficiently become activated. And that’s where ozone therapy works.

In ozone therapy for infections, we remove about 200 cc of blood into a bottle. In that bottle there are about 0.16% of the body’s PMBCs. Ozone gas is then introduced into the bottle and interacts instantly with the PMBCs. This treated blood is then reintroduced back into the patient. The whole process takes about 5-45 minutes depending on the equipment used. The treatments require about $7 worth of materials.

When the ozone is introduced into the bottle it stimulates the PMBCs in the bottle to start making the cytokines that activate both the innate immune system and the humeral system. These activated PMBCs then increase their production of the needed cytokines.

Some studies show that when properly done, the cytokine production can increase 400-600%. When the newly activated PMBCs are then reinfused into the patient, they circulate to the liver, spleen, and bone marrow where they in turn stimulate other PMBCs to increase their production. This is termed paracrine stimulation and was first described by Bocci in 1989. It is this increased cytokine activity that eventually controls the infection by activating the innate system and by killing off the infected cells.

Thus, when an individual is very sick from a viral infection, the reason is not the virus itself, but the inability of the innate, cytotoxic, and humeral immune systems to control the viral replication. Comorbid diseases only increase the risk. So, to treat these patients, I have found two things that dramatically improve outcomes when given in addition to standard medical therapy.

One is ozone therapy, and the other is vitamin C therapy. Vitamin C is instrumental in our immune reaction to infections and has been shown to be quickly depleted at the onset of any infection. Vitamin C was also shown years ago to be instrumental at calming down a cytokine storm – the same kind of cytokine storm that can kill patients with advanced viral infections. Patients who are a special risk (COPD, CHF, immune drugs or disease, infirm, frail) should ideally be started on this approach immediately. The protocol that has always worked for me – no matter what virus I was treating and no matter how compromised the patient may be, is described below. It has the advantage of being easy, safe, cheap, and convenient to use in the average clinic setting.

Perhaps, it would be a good idea to not only talk with virologists who check culture plates and treat mice, but to also talk with doctors like me who have been treating real live people for close to 50 years. We know a lot that virologists have no clue about – what works.

Systemic Infection Protocol:

1. Give an MAH ozone treatment according to international standards (typically 200ml @ 78 mcgm/ml) on two to three consecutive days or until the infection is well under control.

2. Follow each MAH with 25 grams of vitamin C.

3. Give 1,000 mg of vitamin C orally four times a day.

4. In severely ill patients in a hospital setting, this should be done two to four times per day as indicated. Safe doses have been well established.

By the way, this approach is also valuable in patients battling other infections. Thus when given with antibiotics, ozone can cure many cases of chronic infections that are otherwise not responding to the antibiotic. This would include septic joints, MRSA, pneumonias, and of course viral infections. It works well with antibiotics when indicated because while antibiotics can kill bacteria, they can’t activate the immune system. The combination of both ozone and antibiotics hits infections in two ways instead of one. That’s why the combination works so well when antibiotics by themselves fail.

I hope you now have a better idea of how ozone works in the human body. It does not work as an antibiotic, but as a signaling molecule to the immune system. This is precisely why it is so valuable when combined with other effective remedies.

I hope you will give ozone serious consideration in the current pandemic and in any future pandemic.

List of studies sent and what they show:

1. Investigating antibody-catalyzed ozone generation by human neutrophils – This article from Script’s Institute shows that ozone is a signaling molecule that our antibodies form and use to initiate the viral killing mechanism.

2. Ozone therapy: A clinical review – This review article explains the mechanism of action of medical ozone therapy, and also speaks to safety.

3. Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress?

4. Ozone acting on human blood yields a hormetic dose-response relationship – Dosing is critical in ozone therapy in order to obtain the best possible results. This is why I teach doctors in three different seminars every year about proper dosing.

5. Preliminary Results of Ozone Therapy as a Possible Treatment for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C – This article speaks to safety as well as the demonstrated antiviral effect in hepatitis C.

6. Medical Ozone Therapy – Safety and Efficacy of Five Modalities. This is a report on a recently completed 5-year safety and efficacy study conducted by the American Academy of Ozonotherapy.

Woman Sees Peripheral Neuropathy Virtually Disappear After One 20-Minute Treatment

Peripheral neuropathy is a real problem these days for more and more people. The disorder used to be mostly limited to diabetics. But these days it is showing up in many people without diabetes or any other diagnosed disorder. What’s worse is that peripheral neuropathy is a tough problem to deal with. At least it was until now.
Peripheral neuropathy causes burning, stinging pains, numbness in the feet, and loss of balance. And, if that’s not bad enough, it only gets worse over time.

The only conventional treatment is to treat the pain with various drugs. Unfortunately, the drugs have side effects, are expensive, don’t improve or even halt the disorder, and do nothing for the numbness and balance problems. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that this condition is now seeing the light – and responding. The light I am talking about is monochromatic low-level near-infrared light. Here’s what we’re finding out about this groundbreaking treatment.

About six months ago, a colleague of mine, Dr. Len Saputo in Walnut Creek, California, told me he was getting amazing results in patients with peripheral neuropathy. The device he is using is a new near-infrared light therapy device called Firefly Light Therapy. Dr. Saputo is a reliable man. He doesn’t exaggerate. Also, he’s been using various forms of infrared light therapy for decades. So, I checked it out.

Sure enough, there are several published studies using various infrared light devices to help with peripheral neuropathy. One of them caught my eye right away.

The study looked at a group of 18 patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The researchers used a device called the Semmes Weinstein monofilament to measure the loss of sensation in the patients’ feet. They also used a modified Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) to measure the neuropathic symptoms, and a 10-point visual analog scale to measure pain. Each foot was treated for two weeks with a placebo light. Then, the feet were treated for an additional two weeks with near-infrared light.

As expected, the placebo light did nothing to any of the measurements. But, when the patients were switched to the near-infrared therapy, things were different.

There was a significant decrease in the number of areas on the feet that were numb. The MNSI measurements of the neuropathic pain symptoms decreased from 4.7 to 3.1. Pain reported on the 10-point visual analog scale decreased progressively from 4.2 to 3.2 after six treatments – and to 2.3 after 12 treatments. All of these improvements were statistically significant.

How about balance symptoms? Before the near infrared therapy, 90% of the patients were complaining of a “substantial balance impairment.” After the treatments, that number decreased to 17%. Any doctor who has treated patients with diabetic neuropathy will be impressed by these numbers.

So I purchased the Firefly system and I tried it on my worst case of neuropathy. When this woman walked down the hall, her balance was so bad that she would hit one of the walls every four to six feet. She was also on pain medication. Unbelievably, after only one 20-minute session with the Firefly system, she was walking normally. And after several other sessions, she was off medications and reporting no more pain. That’s amazing!

I have now had the opportunity to treat quite a few other patients both with and without diabetes, and the results are consistent – close to 100% relief of symptoms and balance problems. And no side effects.

There are quite a few near-infrared devices out there. They vary enormously depending on many factors such as waveforms, power output, and frequency mixing. That means that one device may not be as effective as another. Doctors can obtain the Firefly system at The device in the study mentioned above is the Anodyne Therapy System, which can be purchased from

REFS: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Vaccines and immunizations: MMR vaccine side effects. [updated 2017 May 8; cited 2017 Jun 21].

Madsen KM, Hviid A, Vestergaard M, Schendel D, WohlFahrt J, Thorsen P, Olsen J, Melbye M. A population-based study of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination and autism. N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 7;347(19):1477,1480.

The Unreported Cause of Epilepsy

Maybe you haven’t heard this before. According to the CDC, 1 out of every 640 children vaccinated with the MMR (measles) vaccine have a seizure from it. That comes out to a child here in the U.S. having a seizure from the MMR vaccine every two hours. And, although the number is relatively low, every year 300 of those children will go into permanent epilepsy.

A well-known 2002 Danish study of over one half a million children compared the risk of death from measles to the risk of permanent injury from the MMR vaccine. They discovered that there was a potential for a 77% greater risk from the vaccine than from the measles itself.

Not happy with this outcome, the authors of the study “adjusted” the data in an attempt to account for other factors that might have influenced the bad results. After this adjustment, the researchers were able to show that there was no risk from the vaccine. So, that’s the end of the controversy, right? Not exactly.

It turns out that there is no evidence that the estimated factors used for the data adjustment had any effect at all on the first results showing an increased risk. It is strictly supposition.

And, one more thing. The package insert states, “MMR II vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.” Translated into everyday English, this means that there are no safety studies on the MMR vaccine that can reassure us that it isn’t creating cancer, genetic mutations, or an inability to bear children.

EF: Leonard DR, Farooqi MH, et al. Restoration of sensation, reduced pain, and improved balance in subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study with monochromatic near-infrared treatment. Diabetes Care. 2004 Jan;27(1):168-72.