This is a synopsis of the Quinn Riley Autism episode on “I Beat the Odds” on the Zliving Channel.

When Holly Riley gave birth to Quinn, he weighted 10 pounds and was a normal baby. In fact, at 6months, he was crawling and he was walking at 1 year. However, he development slowed down after 1 year. At 2 years old, he wasn’t speaking and he was withdrawing. He would spend hours  spinning things like his sipping cup.

holly started worrying about Quinn’s development so she start reading books on child development. She read a book on autism She knew that was Quinn’s problem. She went to a pediatrician to confirm her findings. He diagnosed Quinn with autism.

The tested Quinn using the Child’s Autism Rating scale. The scale uses a 15 to 60 scale and Quinn had a 36 rating. Any rating over 30  is considered as being autistic.

Most cases of autism are regressive autism. The child is develops normally up to a certain point. Then something happens and they lose skills and regress. Some experts feel that is may be caused by toxins or vaccines. There are no cures for autism. There is only treatments.

Holly decided to stay home to take care of Quinn. His behavior was erratic and almost impossible to control. He would run out any open door, run into the street, and needed constant supervision. Holly continued to search for help and read that some families noticed that their children were better when they changed their diet.

Experts believe that diet may have a profound effect on autism behavior. The intestines might have a defect that affects its ability to process protein. It is called Gut Associated lymphoid tissue. The undigested protein travels to the brain and increases autistic behavior.

After putting Quinn on a diet that eliminated casein and gluten plus a few other foods that caused an allergic reaction, he seemed to show some positive results. Holly contacted Dr. Karima Harani who put Quinn on a biomedicine diet. She also suggested using a hyperbaric therapy to help Quinn further. After over 100 hours of hyperbaric therapy, he showed even more improvement, but Dr. Harami felt that Quinn needed chelation therapy to get red of the heavy metals in his body.

Holly was worried about the chelation IV treatment so, after many tests, she decided to use transdermal  chelation therapy. Quinn had 2 to 3 treatments a week and was constantly tested. He also received a vitamin B-12 injection every day.When  he was 10, he progressed to  the point where he was tested by the National Institutes of Health. They determined that he was no  longer autistic. On the Child’s Autism Rating scale he was now rated at 27.

He attends a typical Catholic school and get A’s and B’s. He enjoys sports and is enjoying life. Holly joined the Talk About Curing Autism organization and is featured in some of their videos.