This is a synopsis of the Sophia Kim leukemia episode of “Desperate For a Miracle” on the Zliving Channel.

Sophia Kim was 14 years old when she so ill that she ended up in the hospital. She was an excellent athlete when suddenly she had no energy and her wounds wouldn’t heal. The doctors gave her a blood test. They said that she had leukemia.

Sophia was told that she needed chemotherapy. They also gave her serotonin. She lost her hair, her face was swollen and she was very tired. They chemotherapy was showing no progress when the doctors discovered that she had another cancer. She now had two different types of leukemia.

With the new cancer, Sophia had only about a 10% chance of surviving. The doctors decided to try another type of chemotherapy. Then, they wanted to try another experimental chemo. Sophia’s mother, Michelline, started reading books and searching the internet for alternative treatments.

Michelline learned about a Dr. Vacinte Nessens who had been successful with a treatment called 714X which required an injection in the lymph nodes every day. Sophia condition started to improve also immediately. A month and a half later, she was in remission. The doctors couldn’t explain her recovery. Everything seemed fine. Then 9 months later, her leukemia returned.

Despite her parents doubts, she tried chemotherapy again in the Montreal Children s hospital. Sophia caught a staph infection so she was quarantined. Then she developedgangrene in her foot. The doctors gave her 3 days to live.

Michelline immediately took Sophia back to get the 714X treatment. Dr Nessens gave her acupuncture for the gangrene. The doctor also gave her the 714X treatment for the cancer. Three weeks later the gangrene and the staph were cured. Her cancer was in remission and her  blood was cancer free.