The University of Texas testing ways to stave cancer with diet and supplements. A ketogenic diet may deprive cancer cells glucose they use to make energy. Hower, cancer cells can still get energy another way. The get it from the amino acid glutamine. Glutamine is necessary for other healthy cells so how can we block it from cancer cells.

Researchers found several foods that contain compounds that may prevent cancer cells from accessing glutamine. They are turmeric, apple peels, and red grapes. The researchers tested 142 natural compounds.

They found that ursolic acid,curcumin, and resveratrol were effective in the test. So they tested it on mice. They tested many compounds together on mice with prostate cancer.

The most effective combination was a combination of ursolic acid which is found in apple peels, rosemary, holy basil, curcumin, and resveratrol. This combination was effective in blocking glutamine metabolism in the cancer cells.

Stefanon Tizani, assistant professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dell Pediatric Research Institute in Austin, said: “After screening a natural compound library, we developed and unbiased look at combination of nutrients that have a better effect on prostate cancer than existing drugs The beauty of this study is that we were able to inhibit tumor growth in mice without toxicity.”

Therefore, to starve cancer cells, Go on a ketogenic diet and take these supplements.

Super Smart ursolic acid 50 mg one tablet three times a day

Reduloxin two tablets three times a day

This procedure may not only help cure cancer, but also prevent it from returning. If you have already started chemotherapy, it may be best not to try this procedure. As always consult your health care provider.