I am eighty years old and am slowly going blind from Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) . For over 5 years, I have been getting eye injections in both eyes. In the last year, my right eye has deteriorated so much that the doctor said the shots were not doing any good. He stopped the shots in my right eye.

In the Second Opinion newsletter, I read that che-zone therapy would help AMD, so I have been doing it for about 6 months. When I received the article about ozone sauna therapy, I was interested because I have a fear of needles. Sometimes I pass out when I get blood tests or iv treatments

I decided to try the ozone therapy first to see if I would have any problem doing it. I drove to Carson City to try the ozone sauna  unit recommended by Dr. Shallenberger. I tried it and I liked it so I am buying one.

I also had my che-zone therapy doctor suggest that I learn about Glutathione IV therapy which he had read about. I found this article a bout 23 of 25 amd patients improved with Glutathione IV treatements. In my seach,  I have found many articles on how Glutathione helps improve vision.

I have started taking Glutathione supplements for my eyes in addition the the vision supplements that I have been taking for years.

In addition to my normal program for building my mitachondria as explained in the post, I am starting an eye program to try to stop my AMD from making me go blind.

Step 1 in this program is to take double doses of a chelation supplement everyday.

Step 2 is to take double doses of Glutathione everyday.

Step 3 is to have an ozone sauna treatment every other day.

I will write posts monitoring my progress as necessary. The first post with be several months from now as I have to wait until my sauna is delivered and before I will probably notice any progress.