This Article was in the Renaissance Newsletter.

Next to fatigue, insomnia is the most common complaint that I hear from patients. Unless you get the rest your body requires it will be impossible to have good energy.

Vermonters have known for centuries. working with nature, instead of against it, is the best medicine. One such natural Vermont remedy for insomnia relies on just tow simple ingredients – honey and apple cider vinegar.

Honey acts as a sedative to the body and is one of the best remedies to produce natural sleep. Being a predigested sugar, digested in the stomach of the honey bee, honey requires no digestion by the human stomach but is ready to be used immediately by the body. Twenty minutes after it is taken by mouth, it is in the blood stream.

To cope with chronic fatigue, Vermont folk medicine knows not better treatment than thisl add three teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar to a cup o honey, placing he mixture in a wide mouthed jar and keep it in the bedroom. Take two teaspoonful of the mixture when preparing for bed. They will enable you to fall asleep within a half hour after getting into bed.

If by the end of the hour you should not be asleep take two teaspoonful more. In cases of extreme wakefulness, it may take several such doses, and if you should wake during the night and feel unable to get back to sleep you should take still another.

For more information on insomnia, read “Insomnia – Causes and Cures.