This Article was in the Renaissance Newsletter.

When Dr. Atsuto Yanagisawa of Japan found out the 92% of the doctors he surveyed would undergo non=standard cancer therapy, he was curious which specific therapies they would choose.The questionnaire asked the physicians to rank their preference.

The top ten therapies in order of preference are:

    1. High-dose Vitamin C
    2. Immunotherapy
    3. Nutritional supplements
    4. Hyperthermia
    5. Chinese herbal medicine
    6. Nutritional therapy
    7. Low-dose naltrexone therapy
    8. Intravenous Lipoic acid therapy
    9. Palliative care
    10. Gene therapy

Japanese doctors’ attitudes to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is quite different than American physicians. CAM is practiced by 73% of all Japanese physicians because they find it helps the patient to maintain one’s own health and improves quality of life.