More and more people are searching for natural ways to stay healthy and cure disease. They want alternatives to our conventional western medicine. Traditional medicine is more concerned with treating the symptoms than eliminating the cause. Most of the time, conventional medicine is at best inadequate and mostly just a failure.

You end up taken pills with terrible side effects. Then you take more pills to control the side effects of the first pill. Before you know it, you are taking about 6 pills and you feel terrible.

For example, a study by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that 38 percent of the liver failures int the test were caused by excessive acetaminophen use. Recessive use is defined as “taking more than 365 pill in a year” Over*the-counter pills are killing people instead of curing them.

Another example is methylphenidate or “Ritalin” which is given to ADD or ADHD children every day. Did you know that over 30 years ago, methylphenidate was classified as a Schedule 2 drug. This is the same class as cocaine and PCP which are highly addictive.

This is a quote from the book, “Discover Wellness” by Dr. Bob Hoffman and Dr. Jason A. Deitch.
“The American medical Association has estimated that 40 to 60 percent of the more than 2 billion prescriptions written by doctors each year are provided “off-label”: this means that the drugs prescribed are not tested or FDA approved for treating the condition they are being prescribed for. Dr Richard Green, director for the Agency for Health Care policy and Research, has said. “The public is shocked when they learn that thre isn’t a shred of evidence for a lot of the medical therapies. They just can’t believe their doctors are doping things they can’t back up.”

In his mailer, Dr. Sears describes how the FDA is funded by user fees paid by Big Pharma. He discusses the ban of off-limit labeling. He uses the vitamin K2 as an example. It is effective, safe, and inexpensive. Studies show that it reduces heart disease by 57%.Yet your doctor cannot prescribe is and tell you it will lower you risk of a heart attack.

It would violate this ban.

So he has to prescribe a Big Pharma expensive pill.

When you consider that these things are happening, you can see why alternative medicine is becoming so popular.

It is important to start now. Learn how to be healthier and feel younger. Learn how to build your immune system by increasing your healthy mitochondria. You will have to make some changes to your life style, but don’t wait until your have a disease to start to get healthy.

When you do have a serious disease, learn all you can about it. Learn all the alternative treatments available. Don’t be faced with a do this or die conventional medical decision. Know all the alternative in advance by searching the internet, talking to people who have had a similar disease, and reading books.

Just remember that alternative medicine has saved lives and in most cases doesn’t have as many serious side effects.