Lyme disease is very difficult to cure. Because Lyme disease symptoms resemble that of so many other diseases (MS, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, CFS, and many more), patients are not treated for Lyme disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, Lyme disease is caused by four main species of bacteria. Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii cause Lyme disease in the United States, while Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii are the leading causes in Europe and Asia.

There bacteria are masters of disguise. They can transform into a cockscrew- shaped spirochete or a spinal fluid which makes them hard to detect and treat. They can also transform into biofilms with a  mucus layer surrounding it. The biofilm protects the bacteria from drugs and the body’s immune system.

One lady had been in constant pain in her limbs and joints for over a year. She had multiple tests, treatments, and therapy, but she kept getting worse. Then, she read about Cheyenne Gilmore and Lyme disease. So she read up about Lyme disease and decided to combine to procedures to see if it helped her. One was to penetrate to biofilm and one was the Cat’s Claw used by Cheyenne to get rid of the bacteria.

She made a cup aor green tea, added 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil to it. She then took 600 mg of NAC and 1 g of Cat’s Claw. In a few weeks, she was feeling better. The pain in her limbs was almost gone. She  After a few months, she was feeling much better, but the pain in her joints was still there although it was much less pain.

While this treatment was for Lyme disease, it may also be effective against other bacterial infections like UTI.

Be sure and check with your health care specialist before you try this treatment.