This is a synopsis of the Cheyenne Gilmore Lyme Disease episode of “I Beat the Odds” on the Zliving Channel.

Cheyenne Gilmore was an average active child.  On the night of her 7th birthday, she complained of a stomach ache and not feeling well.  The next few days,  she had diarrhea, had stomach aches, wasn’t eating much, and felt lethargic.

Tiffany, her mother, took her to the family doctor who said that Cheyenne had a virus. he said to take her home and give her some Pepto-Bismol. Cheyenne’s got worse.

Tiffany decided to check the internet. She read about irritable Bowel Syndrome which had been mentioned by one of the doctors. Before she could check on it, Cheyenne’s got worse. Her kips started turning blue, her body was losing color,  she become very pale, and she was losing weight. Then, she developed a 103 degree fever.

Tiffany called the doctor who said to immediately take her daughter to the Emergency Room. After waiting for 3 hours, she was told that they couldn’t do anything because they didn’t have a child Gastritis specialist.

When Tiffany  found a pediatric gastroenterologist.  she had to wait 3 weeks before her daughter could see him. He ordered a colonoscopy and it showed signs of ulcerative colitis.

She was told that it was incurable. Cheyenne would have to take 5 pills 3 times a day. If that didn’t work, Cheyenne would be on an IV  in and out of the hospital for the rest of her life.

Tiffany decided to try alternative medicine. She took Cheyenne to Upper Bucks Wellness and saw Dr. Anthony Blasco Jr. He used muscle testing to determine that Cheyenne had Lyme disease and parasites. She had what was thought to be a spider 3 years ago. It was probably a tick which caused the Lyme disease and probably the parasites.

Dr Blasco used enzymes and other nutrients to heal Cheyenne’s body. He also use woodworm plant against the parasites and cats Claw to fight off the Lyme bacteria. In a few weeks, dead parasites were found in the toilet.

In less than 3 weeks, Cheyenne was feeling like a normal healthy young girl again.