This is a simple description of how the immune system works to fight diseases and what causes autoimmune diseases.  Autoimmune diseases include diseases like Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Raynauds Disease, Seleraderma, Multiple Selerosis.

The immune system protects you from foreign or harmful substances. It checks everything in your body. If it decides it is harmful, it send out antibodies to kill or get rid of the harmful substance.

However, the immune system must send the antibodies to the correct place. If it sends them to the intestines instead of the liver, the intestines get attacked instead of the harmful substance in the liver.

The immune system must also send the correct amount of antibodies. If id doesn’t send enough, the harmful substance will not be eliminated completely. If it sends too  many, good cells may be destroyed.

When the immune system is malfunctioning,  the result may be an autoimmune disease. Therefore, to try to cure an autoimmune disease, we need to get rid of the harmful substance, direct the antibodies to the substance, and send the correct amount of antibodies.

Most harmful substances can be found in the intestines, the sinuses, or the teeth. Get a blood test and stool test to determine what you will need to detoxify the intestinal tract. Also detoxify the sinuses by using various sinus therapies such as rinses or ozone therapy. If  you had root canals or dental fillings containing mercury, check with a good biological dentist.

Once you are working on removing the harmful substance, you must work on improving your immune system. The most common factor in causing the immune system to act incorrectly is stress which depletes the adrenal glands. while stress is caused by many factors, you must learn to reduce the stress in your life.  The 8 step produces to outlined in this article is a good why to start. To treat your depleted adrenal glands, use the supplement DHEA.

Another common problem with the immune system is the heavy concentration of metals such as mercury, lead, and cadmium. You may have mercury containing dental fillings. Check with your dentist. You can try chelation therapy to remove these metals.

Hormones are another major factor causing the immune system to malfunction especially in women. Check for thyroid deficiency.

The best way to avoid autoimmune diseases is to avoid antibiotics unless absolutely needed, avoid Vaccines,  avoid GMO foods, avoid mercury filled fillings, and work on relieving stress.

Autoimmune diseases are often hard to diagnose or  misdiagnosed. Once you understand the immune system, you can explain your symptoms more clearly and make better decisions when talking to your health care provider.