This may not be a chronic Lyme disease cure, but I think that it is. I was never diagnosed as having Lyme disease or and autoimmune disease despite having all the symptoms. I am telling my story because it may help someone with an autoimmune disease.

In the fall of 1999, my hand and feet were so cold that it seemed that they were frozen. I had to wear gloves all the time. The pain started to spread through my entire body. I had many tests, but the doctors could not find the cause of the inflammation that was spreading and getting worse. By the summer of 22020. I could hardly walk and many days couldn’t get out of bed.

I took antibiotics and steroids, but they only lessened the pain for a week or so. I just keep getting worse.

Then I fell and hurt my back. I now had terrible back pain in addition to the serious pain in the rest of my body. My husband thought that it might be Lyme disease so he started giving me the green tea drink mentioned in this post. It contains green tea, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. I also took 600 mg of NAC and 1 g of Cat’s Claw with it three times a day. I also took wormwood with it for about a month just in case that I had parasites.

I started feeling better, but then I fell again and hurt my knee and shoulder. However, by the end of 2020, I was able to walk and get around with only the pain in my back, knee, and shoulder. The knee and shoulder stopped hurting, buy the back pain was still there. Then in the summer of 2021, I was hit by a big motorized wheel chair while crossing the street and hurt my knee and shoulder and back again.

In September of 2021, I was slipped and fell. I broke my femur bone in 3 places. After 5 days in the hospital, I was released. My back and right leg were both in pain, but I could walk. Now in December of 2021, the doctors discovered something in my back and have ordered more tests. My femur bone in my right leg still hurts, but is getting better.

The good news is that the inflammation pain in my entire body is gone and has been gone for over a year. I have stopped drinking the tea and taking the cats claw, but I plan to start again and take it for a month every 3 months because i never want to have that inflammation pain again.

For a 5 month update, read this article.