This list was published in the Renaissance Newsletter. To see the entire article, click here.

Some Relevant Facts Concerning Homeoprophylaxis

  1. This method does work. The fact that potentized substances, selected using the Law of Simiilars, will reduce the likelihood of a patient developing the characteristic symptoms of an infectious disease has been established clinically over a period of 200 years, and is well reported in homeopathic literature.
  2. Protection against targeted diseases is not certain, as is the case with both conventional vaccination and even with immunity acquired through contracting the diseases themselves.
  3. The question regarding the duration of protection is less certain. While it is estimated that the efficacy of  homeopathic Diphtherinum was at least 10 years, as measured by the Schick test, the dilemma is the same as for conventional vaccines, where the length of protection is also uncertain.
  4. In comparing side-effects of homeopathic remedies with those from conventional vaccine, ti can be confidently stated that there is a zero possibility of a crude toxic reaction. There have been reported incidents (less than 2%) of presumably dynamic reactions to doses of the remedies. Those reactions were mild and temporary.

For more information on vaccinations, click here.