According to Dr. Shallenberger, many people who are taking blood pressure medicine don’t really have high blood pressure and there other better ways to fix it. Your blood pressure will fluctuate during the day. When you are nervous, your blood pressure is high. You get nervous when you go to the doctors office so your blood pressure may be higher.

The doctor is quick to prescribe dangerous drugs to treat high blood pressure, but there are alternatives. First, buy blood pressure monitor so you can take your blood pressure regularly at home.

Take your blood pressure in the morning and eventing for several weeks and then get the average readings. Take the readings at least 30minutes after you drink coffee or exercise. Of course, you should not be smoking. Sit relaxed for a few minutes and then take your reading.

If your reading is over 120/180, you have high blood pressure. You rarely need drugs. Drugs just mask the symptoms. You really want to get rid of the cause. The causes are over weight, lack of sleep, stress, lack of exercise, heavy metals, and bad nutrition.

Heavy metals is often overlooked as a cause of high blood pressure. Lead and cadmium are common metals. You can get cadmium from cigarette smoke and fruits and vegetables that are grown with high levels of cadmium. You can even get cadmium from the air you breathe.

Lead is also a problem. You can get lead from paint, but you can also get it from he foods you eat and household chemicals.

You should get tested for heavy metals. The best test is to take a chelation challenge study. If you have heavy metals in your body, you may need chelation therapy.

Another problem could be a lack of certain nutrients. Fatty acids are important. You need to get Omega 6 to Omega 3 in a 20 to 1 ratio. Many people do not get enough Omega 3. It may take about 4 months to see the results. Take fish oil that contains 1000mg of EPA/DHA twice a day.

Almost 1/3 of hypertension patients are lacking CoQ10. You may want to take a CoQ10 and PQQ combination. This combination is more effective that coQ10 alone. Take 120 mg daily. Once again, it may take 3 or 4 months to see a change.

The number one deficiency in most people is magnesium. Take 1000mg of magnesium a day. Even is you are taking blood pressure medicine, you can still add magnesium.

Finally, L-Argentine is deficient in many people with high blood pressure. Take 2000 to3000 mg two to thee times a day. Don’t use l-Argentine with Viagra unless you check with your physician.

Dr. Shallenberger says, “If you follow all this advice—lose weight, reduce stress, get a good sleep, detoxify heavy metals, exercise regularly and correct nutrient deficiencies– it’s highly unlikely you’ll have high blood pressure”.

Of course, check with your doctor if you have high blood pressure.