The new blood pressure norm is 115/75 instead of 120/80 which means more people will now have high blood pressure. Why was the standard changed? Was it changed to save lives or to sell more drugs. Let us follow the money. Who profits when more people have high blood pressure.

According to the Consumer Health Watchdog. the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs don’t work for 53% of the people who take them. In addition, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that less than 11% of doctors cardiovascular care recommendations were supported by real scientific evidence.

Now, don’t blame your doctor. Your doctor is required to follow certain medical procedures from medical experts. JAMA also reported that about 87% of these medical experts receive big checks from drug companies.

The Consumer Health Watchdog stated that of the experts “recommended drugs and treatments – a whooping 87% of them have little or to scientific studies, trials, or proof that they actually work – especially with long-term use!”

Why aren’t doctors recommending a good diet, reducing stress, natural supplements, and exercise? They have been taught that drugs will solve the problem and , in some cases, are legally obligated to prescribe prescription drugs because of a ban on “off-limit labeling”.

\Vitamins like k,2 which according to a new study reduces heart disease by over 57%, cannot make a claim on it’s label that it slashes heart disease. The FDA prohibits that because it hasn’t been pproved by the FDA. K2 is safe and cheap, but it is not FDA approved.

The new blood pressure standard may be more accurate. Who really knows? It is a fact that it will be more profitable for BIG PHARMA because more people will have high blood pressure due to the lower standard.

You will probably have high blood pressure, Look for natural ways to control it. One without the terrible side effects that results in taking another proscription drug. Eat right, lose weight, exercise.

Check out Vitamin K2, Green Tea Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Pterostilbene, and others.

Read the post on boosting your immune system in this blog.