This is a synopsis of the Marissa Marinellli Ulcerative Colitus episode of “Desperate For a Miracle” on the Zliving Channel.

Marissa Marinelli was a 19 year old girl who loved dancing and had dream of becoming a Broadway entertainer. However, her life was changed when she entered college. With all the dancing practice, studying, and school work, she started an unhealthy lifestyle. She was staying up late at night and eating junk food.

After the first year, she started having digestive stomach problems. A stomach virus developed which caused her to have diarrhea. She went to a gastrologist who ordered a colonoscopy. It showed some scar tissue, but it was healed. The gastrologist said that she was ok and he didn’t want to see her again.

Only 6 months later, Marissa went to the bathroom and there was a lot of blood. The doctor ordered another colonnoscopy. She was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitus.

Ulcerative Colitus is an autoimmune condition where your body is attacking itself. Excessive white blood cells rush to the colon to fight off a non-existent infection. They eat your own cells and cause ulcers. Marissa had numerous ulcers.

The doctor prescribed Prednisone to relive the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Marissa was told that there wasn’t any cure. She would have it for the rest of her life, but it could be treated. The side effects were fat storage and hair growth on different pars of her body.

Then, Marissa’s condition worsened. The diarrhea and bleeding started again. She was becoming very weak and tried another doctor. This doctor gave her many different types of medications.

She became sicker and sicker. She had to go to the bathroom 20 to 30 times a day.

Then she found a pimple on her leg. The doctors learned that she had so much inflammation in her system that it had gone systemic. There were several more on her leg and the first on kept growing. It was about the size of a half dollar when it popped. Then it went deep and was close to her ankle bone.

Marissa was in danger of losing her leg and maybe even her colon. She said no to both and went home. She joined  the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. Though the foundation, she met a girl her age who was reading the book “Controlling Crohn’s Disease the Natural Way“. It was written by Virginia Harper.

Marissa related to the book because ti described exactly how she felt. So late one night, she wanted to make Kuzu tea but didn’t know how to make it. She called Virginia Harper who have her the directions on how to make the tea.

The next day, Virginia called Marissa and scheduled a consultation. Marissa went on the Macrobiotic Diet. It was very hard so she needed to learn more about it. She Visited the Kushi Institute in Massachusetts. There she learned ho to cook and use the diet.

Soon Marissa was feeling better. There was no more diarrhea or blood. She was out of bed and soon she was walking and dancing. She entered the Miss Universe Contest and she placed in the top 10 in the New York State Pageant.

Today, she is happy and healthy and helping others to stay healthy.