Address Any Current Health Problems

If you have any current health problems like cancer, diabetes, or heart. You should work with your doctor or health care specialist to cure or alleviate them. Talk to them about this procedure to increase your healthy mitochondria and get second or third opinions on your treatment.

We do not give advice so it is important that you consult your doctor or health care specialist before you decide on any treatments.

There may be other alternatives that can help. There are so many supplements and drugs that may ehlp your condition that you may end up taking 100 different pills. Many may be unnecessary or even harmful.

However, in an episode of Desperate for a Miracle, Ben Jones took 225 pills a day to cure his lung cancer. He was given 6 months to life if he had chemotherapy and radiation, but he decided not to do it. He decided to just visit his friends and relatives to say goodbye.

He was introduced to Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez who saved his life. Get more details here.

This final step is to do as much research as possible about your condition. Consult with your doctor and get other opinions. Then do the treatments that will help to cure or contain your current health problems.

Live Healthier and Feel Younger – The Mighty Mitochondria Procedure