Neglected Cause of Diabetes.

If you researched diabetes, you have probably heard that you should reduce your carbohydrate intake. Then you were told to take different supplements. However, have you ever been told that low energy is a huge cause of diabetes in many cases.

According to Dr. Shallenberger, energy is produced by burning fat (80%) and glucose (20%). People who are diabetic have lost their ability to burn fat efficiently. Their energy production is reduced drastically.

Insulin encourages the cells to create energy from glucose instead of burning fat so energy production drops. Since insulin needs energy to work efficiently, energy production decreases and insulin becomes less efficient. Energy production is reduced more. It is a vicious circle.

You become fatter and your blood sugar gets higher. You now have diabetes.

You know that when you have diabetes, you need to avoid carbohydrates. Sometimes, you are advised to cut your fat intake. Dr. Shallenberger found that almost none of his patients with diabetes were on a fat free diet. By eating fats, it is almost impossible to over eat and fat is the preferred source of energy.

Dr. Shallenberger is talking about healthy fats. Healthy fats include grass fed animal fats and wild fish.

Sleep is also important. Dr Shallenberger says that sleep is more important than diet or exercise. During the day, your body takes what it needs from one part of your body and gives it to the part that needs it now.

When you sleep, your body repairs the damage done while you were awake. In fact, researchers found that one-third of diabetes cases were attributed to lack of sleep.

While sleep is more important than exercise, exercise is still necessary. Diabetics who exercise have greater energy production than those that do not exercise. Exercise also dropped the death rate by 58%. Exercise also increases muscle tissue which helps to keep the blood level stable.

Supplements can also help. The list of supplements which help varies depending on the article or the doctor. Here is a list of some supplements recommended.
Chromium plcolinate
Alpha lipoic acid
Glycyrrhiza gtabra
Gymnema sylvestre
Camellia sinensis

Last but not least, you should have your physician check your hormones.

Here are some other links about diabetes that may helpful.