This Article was in the Renaissance Newsletter.
What Caused Japan to Have the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate in the World?

From 1981 to 1984 Japan had the lowest infant mortality rate in the World. Yet in 1974 they were ranked 17th. Why such a dramatic improvement ? Beginning in 1975 Japan started giving the DPT vaccination at 24 months instead of 3 months.

Homeopathic “Vaccinations”

Parents with kids often question whether they should or should not vaccinate their children because of concerns over adverse effects associated with the vaccines. The decision is not always easy, but by becoming informed, parents can often feel more confident in whatever decision they make.

The decision making process requires that the parents first become informed of the pros and cons of allowing their child to get an infectious disease. Then, if they decide that they want to prevent their child from getting the disease they  must study the two existing options of either vaccinating their child or using homeoprophylaxis  (HP).

In this Article, I will be giving a a brief description of the history and explanation of what is homeoprophylaxis and then review some relevant facts.

The history of HP dates back to the early 18000’s when Samuel Hahnemann began using Belladonna to successfully prevent scarlet fever. Since then, Hp has been continuously used to the present date. Since the early 1900’s, ther have been 10 studies done using HP that have shown anywhere between 89% – 99.5% success rate.

As an example, during the 1948-1920 influenza (Spanish Flu) epidemics in the United stated, the mortality rate was around 30%: the mortality rate among individuals treated homeopathically was less than 1%. Another 15 year study published in 2004 showed the following levels of efficacy in preventing 3 diseases, whooping cough – 88.3%; measles – 91.0%; mumps – 93.1%.

So what is homeoprophylaxis and how does it work? In homeoopathy there are no immunizations as such, but there are remedies t;hat can build up immunity to infections. They can also act as curative agents where a disease had developed. These remedies carry no risk of detrimental effects, they are absolutely safe.

Dr. A. Pulford, a famous homeopath, explains very concisely how HP works- “No disease will arise without an existing predisposition to that disease. It is the absence of the predisposition to any particular disease that makes us immune to it. Homeopathy alone is capable of removing these predispositions..”

We will publish a list contained in this article about “Some Relevant Facts Concerning Homeoprophylaxis” in the next post.

For a long explanation about a middle of the road vaccination schedule, read this article..