A healthy immune system defends the body against disease and infection. But if the immune system malfunctions, it mistakenly attacks healthy cells, tissues, and organs. Called autoimmune disease, these attacks can affect any part of the body, weakening bodily function and even turning life-threatening.

Basically, the your immune system will attack any dangerous substance like a virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and toxins.  If your immune system doesn’t attack the correct effected area  or attacks too strongly, you have an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune diseases are many times not diagnosed or are misdiagnosed. Many times diseases like Lyme, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid, Arthritis, Raynauds Disease, Seleraderma, Multiple Selerosis are not effectively treated or mistreated.  Here is a list of articles and comments which may help you understand more about autoimmune diseases and aid you in fighting them.

What is an autoimmune disease? https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/conditions/autoimmune/index.cfm

The basics about an autoimmune disease. https://namicx.com/autoimmune-diseases-101-basics/

The mitochondria and your immune system. https://namicx.com/live-healthier-and-feel-younger/

Lyme disease story. https://namicx.com/my-chronic-lyme-disease-story/

The Lyme disease bacteria drink. https://namicx.com/__trashed-2/

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Be sure to check with your healthcare providers before you try anything new.