Leukemia is a disorder involving blood cells where the blood cells do not mature as they should or they transform into irregular blood cells that do not function normally.

There are basically 4 types of leukemia:

Here are some links with more information on leukemia.

Leukemia information from the Healthline site.

Leukemia: Definition, Risk Factors, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (healthline.com)


More information on leukemia.

Leukemia: Symptoms, Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment (webmd.com)


This next link is about a girl who have 2 types of leukemia plus other problems and was given 3 days to live. She lived.



This link is about a boy who had had cancer tumor. He was told he would die and he lived.



The cure in both these stoies is 714X. Here is the information one it. It is very controversial.

714X | Cerbe Distribution Inc

It is probably very expensive and difficult to use.


This article that has suggestions for fighting cancer. Most are natural and are likely to be approved by your doctor.



The first is about Intravenous C. I don’t have the article, but it reduces the sides effects of Chemo and many doctors are using it with Chemo. Ask your doctor about it.
